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About us

The EUROFRIP S.R.L. was born in October 2002 and is situated at the foot of Vesuvius at Herculaneum and precisely in the province of Naples. It is responsible for selecting, sorting, processing and transformation of used clothing, rags, rags, toys, shoes, bags, belts and everything to do with used clothing. Just Herculaneum is considered the city where it is practiced more the activity of used clothing. Very popular is because the market for rags Square Pugliano.

The activity is performed in an industrial complex of about 1500 square meters. conducted on two levels and covered with a large yard for the handling and loading of the material. The staff is taken with a thorough test and submitted, after the selection, training and coaching by highly qualified and with some experience gained from years of work innumervoli. It should also be noted that the machines used are cutting edge and specially designed with large companies.

Eurofrip S.r.l. - P.IVA 04252281219 - Copyright 2011 - Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

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